Read an extract from the book that will change the way you think about life

The Art of Manifesting by Carolyn Boyes will inspire you to discover how to tap into the power of the universe to create change. Each section is focussed around manifesting a specific area of life with ideas, quotations and pointers to allow the reader to picture their desires, direct their thoughts, and manifest joy, health and wellbeing. Move from a life full of distractions into a life full of enthusiasm and passion. Go ahead – be curious!

Do you have dreams you’ve put off for way too long? Do you hunger for change in your life? But has the time never seemed right?

I know how it feels. Before I first discovered manifesting more than twenty years ago, I wanted big changes in my life. I had moved to another country and I knew what I was doing wasn’t right for me, but
I had no idea what to do next. I wanted a new job, a new relationship and to get my finances in order but I couldn’t see what I could do to change things. I started to take courses and read widely about different traditions and philosophies. One wonderful teacher taught me a basic manifesting method and I wrote down my first ever intentional manifests.

After a while, I forgot about what I had written down, but nevertheless I started to take real steps to change my life. Eighteen months later, I was living back in my home country, in the apartment I had visualised, with new qualifications, a new job, and a new relationship. The changes I had imagined happening had all come true. I even had the exact amount of money in my bank account I had written down a year and a half previously.

Since I first learnt to manifest, I have studied many different spiritual and psychological disciplines. I have learned much more about the spiritual laws of the universe which help us to manifest, as well as how we can block manifesting from happening.

Manifesting is not a new idea. It has been tried and tested by the wisest people over thousands of years of human history. By creating a powerful picture in your mind of what you want and learning how to infuse it with intention, feeling and desire, you can learn how to create happiness in your life by the real results you manifest in the physical world.
Life is a journey and as you travel from birth to death a series of doors open for you. For many of us, we stumble through doors by accident without thinking much about our choices. When you intentionally manifest, it’s different. You choose which doors you are going to open.

In the The Art of Manifesting, I will teach you how to change your life in a real and practical way by guiding you through a method which you will be able to use every day. My intention is to inspire you to think about the life you want to build and then discover how to build it.
Over the next eight chapters, you will discover the secrets of successful manifesting: the art of deliberately producing change in your world by harnessing the power of the universe to bring what you desire into existence.

Manifesting will allow you to become the person you were always meant to be with the life you were meant to live. It will give you true power over the course of your life and allow you to be the captain of your destiny. If you have never dared to dream, it’s time right now to plan and pursue a new future. If you already have dreams for a life not yet realised, it’s time to start to activate them.

Be inspired by the infinite possibilities open to you right now and start your journey of manifesting today.

The Art of Manifesting is out now.

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