‘Nothing changes if we do nothing or do what we’ve always done. All of us who want a better environment inside and outside our homes are going to have to work for it if we want to see progress. Tutting and shaking our heads at the TV just won’t cut it any more, and those of us with privilege no longer have the luxury of ignorance. Changing society is not a spectator sport – you have to be in the game to shape the game. No more sitting in an ivory tower like Rapunzel waiting for a political Prince Charming to bring about a fairer and more inclusive society. Martin Luther King said, ‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.’ But it doesn’t bend by itself, and when we realize that it can twist just as easily in the direction away from justice depending on who is pushing, our ivory towers don’t seem so high any more.
We’ve all known individuals who had the potential to contribute more had they been better understood or helped to overcome barriers. If you are in a position of leadership or support within business, education, or any setting where a diverse range of people interact, then this approach may be something that you can implement. However, if you are in a setting where there is not a diverse range of people interacting, then this is where social networks and travel can play an important role. Work with ‘others’ in your local community and achieve a win-win buy-in for positive change. We are not expected to get this right overnight, but we start with dialogue and empathy, and from there we can move on together.’ Diversify, pg 290-291
At HQ, we are proud to publish books that educate us, challenge our way of thinking, and inspire us to make a difference. One such book is June Saprong’s Diversify, a powerful guide to inclusion and why it matters – because we all have a part to play in bringing about change.